venerdì, gennaio 10, 2014

Christmas memories, part one

Natale è ormai passato e ieri ho dovuto riporre tutte le decorazioni natalizie, smontare l’albero, il presepe, e tornare alla solita routine quotidiana.
E’ sempre triste dover togliere tutto. E’ come se finisse la magia. E infatti ogni volta mi ritrovo a sperare che arrivi in fretta la primavera, con i suoi profumati fiori e i mille colori.
La primavera è un po’ come una rinascita del mondo, della natura, dopo lo stallo del freddo inverno. L’attesa di qualcosa di così bello, ci fa sentire vivi.

Christmas is over and yesterday I had to put away all the Christmas decorations and return to the daily routine
It's always sad to have to remove everything. Ends magic. In fact, every time I find myself hoping that arrive quickly the spring with its fragrant colorful flowers. Spring is like a rebirth of the world, of nature, after the stalemate of the cold winter. Wait for something so beautiful, makes us feel alive.

Guardando indietro, ho deciso di fare un piccolo riassunto fotografico delle mie feste. In realtà, avrei voluto scrivere le giornate mano a mano come faccio su facebook, ma purtroppo/per fortuna sono state abbastanza movimentate e non ho avuto tempo di aggiornare il blog prima.
Meglio tardi che mai

Looking back, I decided to do a little photographic summary of my holidays. In fact, I searched to write the day at moment like on facebook, but unfortunately / fortunately were quite full and I haven't had time to update the blog before. Better late than never.
1. Life is too short to untangle the lights of Christmas tree!(╥﹏╥) 2-3. ...But I’m the winner! All is done!
1. Cakes! Christmas star with chocolate 2. One of my favourite books in Christmas time
1. Christmas shopping with mummy and niece 2. Small decorations that I sewed for the Christmas tree
 1. Comfy time in bed with bf and niece watching "Rise of the Guardians"
1. Even for my hamster Momo is Christmas~LOL
1. December 24 2. Santa Claus is came! (o) 3. Sister's cake! The reindeer is so cute! ∀`)
With my bf, wish you a merry and lovely Christmas
To be continued...

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